Meet the Dogs

Let’s be honest, you just want to see pictures of cute doggos and hear more about them. Well we aim to please!


Ignited’s Order of Kahless “Martok”

Martok has earned his FGdCh-40k title and runs about 3.9 seconds in the pack. Steady and reliable, with a consistent whip-fast turn, he's a favorite dog to pass by several handlers! At home, Martok enjoys cuddles on the couch, playing smack-the-bubble-toy he's holding in his mouth, and shoving his butt towards anyone willing to scratch it. Always eager to please, eager to work, this enthusiastic derp gets involved in everything including picking up recycling on garbage day to help get things to the curb for pickup.


Ignited’s Mercurial Lady of Qo'noS “Sirella”

Sirella is a Border Collie quick with an opinion on a wide variety of topics. She’s a very slight build and it makes for a very fast 3.8 second race dog from the first to the last heat. Tiny baby is particularly fond of whatever is currently in brother Martok’s mouth and will often be found sharing a tug with him in excitement. Just don’t start any activity without including her, or she’ll be sure to make you aware of your error as loud as possible.


Ignited’s “Ezri” Dax

Ezri has been excited to get in the ring and race all her life. At ten years old she earned her Hobbes title with 100,000+ points in flyball. The princess is one of the only dogs who won’t immediately jump up to greet us when we come home - preferring to wait on her couch or comfy bed for us to come up and greet her, as befits the princess of course. She embodies the silly adage of “no take, only throw” as she’ll show you the toy she has, and she’d love you to throw it, but doesn’t really want to just give it to you.

On Target’s Caffeine Free “Sprite”

A border collie / staffordshire terrier mix who is our A team height dog setting 10" jumps. Sprite runs about 4.1 seconds with a personal best of 3.82 over her own height, and has earned her FGdCh-60k title.

Affectionately known as murderfish and angerpig, Sprite enjoys awkward cuddling, destroying tennis balls, and making grunting noises. She may be seen walking around with a muzzle to encourage her to make good choices around strangers.

MissJiff’s Mighty “Max”

Max is the tiniest member of our Flyball club and is ready to set heights and take balls. This tiny fruit puff at just 12 lbs can be found in everybody’s arms as no one can resist a quick energetic snuggle. Max makes up for any size discrepancy by being the loudest voice in the room and ready to run with his unending energy and vigor.

MissJiff’s Accidently in Love “Flirt”

Flirt is the speed central of the Engage club, running a pretty steady 3.7 seconds. You can find Tami trying to convince Flirt to give up the tug after every race as she doesn’t ever want to stop. This tiny border collie lives up to her name as well by flirting with anyone or any dog that feels up to it.

Stoverly Explosive Decompression “Deco”

Deco is a bouncy little mini aussie ready to race, chase and tug the day away. Deco has been racing steadily with Ezri for all of his life and is only a few steps behind her in the point count. His undying love of Ezri does seem to be a bit one sided, but that doesn’t stop him from being excited to race next to her all weekend long.

Animal Alliance's Sir Lix-a-Lot "Henry"

Henry is a dog of dubious parentage. His mother is certainly a Black Mouth Cur, but his father went out for a pack of kibble before he was born and never came home.

Henry couldn't care less about what he happens to be; he's too busy loving on every creature he comes across, big or small, two legs or four!

Henry devotes equal time to Green Dog work and making sure everyone on earth gets a loving lick across the face.

On-Target’s Unexpected Fortune “Chance”

Chance is a wild and playful menace. You’ll find him racing around his with his exuberant brother Henry, and he’ll probably have a little blue tire toy with him. He’ll be in the racing lanes tearing it up for that tennis ball any day now, and joining Henry in the lineups for some good times.

On Target’s I Wanna Go Fast “Dex”

Dex is a male Border Collie.  He is a goofy sweet giant who works hard to fit his big body on the box.  He is a gorgeous boy who loves to play fetch and swim at the lake.  He dislikes scary noises like the garbage truck.  He loves to play fetch and is always looking for a willing partner.  His best time is 3.9 seconds.  He generally averages around 4.3-4.4.  He currently has his MBDX, FMCH, and TF-111 titles. 

Fox Confessor’s Keepin Us in Stitches “Medic”

Medic is a sable merle borderwhippet.  He is affectionately known as freak dog at home where he spins in circles to get to the door or licks the window to be let back in.  He loves to run fast, but he also loves to cuddle.  He is definitely a momma’s boy.  We love this special boy and are excited to see what he can accomplish in his flyball career.  He is just starting to run and is showing great promise posting a 3.569 in his first UFLI singles race.  Medic also dabbles in dock diving.

On Target’s Damage Control “Triage”

Triage is Nicole’s heart dog.  He is an incredible five year old borderwhippet is always wanting to work and play.  He has a fun and energetic personality that you can’t not love.  Triage lives for flyball.  If you want to find him at a tournament just listen for the screams as he waits to go into the ring.  His best time is 3.491.  In 2017 he was ranked #9 Singles dog in UFLI.  He ran mostly 3.5’s and 3.6’s until he had a tragic accident tearing his cranial cruciate ligament in his knee.  He underwent surgery and rehab to return to the lanes where he went back to running 3.6’s and 3.7’s.  This accident-prone guy then broke a bone in his ankle.  After some more time off and rehab he is back running again with an average time of 3.8 and still throwing in some 3.7’s.  Triage is all heart and we love him dearly!  He has earned his MBDCH, FMX, and TF-111 titles.

Firestorm’s Smokin Hot Chili “Chili”

Chili is a beautiful sable merle border collie.  You can always count on her in the lanes.  Her best time is 3.9 and she averaged 4.0 prior to puppies.  She goes mainly be “cheese” or “chili cheese fry”.  Chili has had two litters of puppies.  Her puppies Queso (borderpapilion) and Wam (borderstaffy) are also own our team.  She is a fantastic mother.  Even though Chili has taken some puppy breaks from flyball, she has still managed to earn her FM and TF-11 titles and run a steady 4.2.

Cascade’s Delicious Mix “Queso”

Queso is the cutest little thing you’ve ever seen.  This border pap is all energy and drive; She never stops moving!  Her mom is Chili on our team and her dad is an accomplished agility papillon.  She weighs in at a whopping 12 pounds and is about 12 ½ inches tall.   We are excited to see what this spitfire grows up to do!  She is also training in agility.

Cascade’s She’s a Brick House “Wam”

Wam… Wam is a brick.  This big mouth staffy lives for food, and flyball is mainly a means to get more food. Her mom is Chili on our team and her dad is Boom an accomplished staffy.  She runs into everything and has no self-preservation.  She is also very sweet and is often referred to as a cuddle brick.  We are excited to watch her grow up and excel in flyball where we are hoping for her to become an awesome height dog for us.

Ignited’s RR It’s Only Logical “Sarek”

Sarek is a happy and energetic ball of fluff. Coming into the house along with Martok, Sirella, Ezri and Sprite he has quite an adventurous life awaiting him. With a lineage of flyball coursing through his veins we expect great things, but for the first 18 months, it’s exploring the world and finding his place among our pack… and snuggles… lots and lots of snuggles in that very fine fur.


Miss Nala bear came as a rescue with a bit of anxiety. She is a veteran flyballer and champion racer. She may be a bit nervous stepping into new things, but grab her a tennis ball and she’s ready to go


Honor is a border whippet who went back for seconds when they were handing out muscles. Jokingly referred to as butt-biceps Honor does everything at 120%. A champion dock diver, veteran flyball racer and always ready for the next challenge, he is a born athlete through and through.


Little Miss Tattie Pants is Honor’s mini-me. Always underfoot with Honor and Nala, Tattle is there to take on all the same challenges and has learned a few things about running 120%.